I'm a pharmacist who prefers wellness 

Are you confused about what supplements to take and how many bottles you should have on your counter and just what the heck each one of them does for your body anyway? Then you are in the right place. TomZ Wellness was designed to keep things simple and effective on your journey to good health. Health is not simply the absence of disease, but the energetic let's get out of bed feeling we each long for throughout our lives.

We hope Tom Z Wellness will become a trusted source as you pursue excellent health. We want to get to know you better as you continue to stop by to purchase products or ask questions you might have about a specific condition. 

 I have practiced pharmacy for over 30 years. I live in Texas with Lori, my wife of 28 years. Before moving to San Antonio, we owned an independent pharmacy in Virginia for 10 years. We opened Tom Z Wellness because it was hard to find the quality products we had come to know and love. We're here to offer you trusted quality and fair pricing.

As a pharmacist, I know there is a place to use pharmaceutical medicines. Throughout my career, however, I have also learned that given proper supplements and nutrition our body has an amazing ability to rebuild and often heal itself. I am also certified in acute homeopathy.

We promise to provide information to help you make educated choices about your health. We will post articles on vitamins, minerals, exercise, essential oils, and a host of other ideas to keep you moving forward on your health journey. We are bombarded with so much information that the road to good health often seems overly complicated. My goal is to keep it short and simple.

I look forward to connecting!
