Where Do I Start?

"What supplements should I be taking?

We get asked this question a lot. It can seem confusing to figure out what supplements are really necessary to support your health and still keep to your budget, right? While we wish everyone could simply get the support their bodies need from the foods we eat, it is difficult. That doesn't mean you need to take a handful of vitamins every day, however!

In keeping with our goal of keeping it simple and effective, here are the four supplements everyone would benefit from taking...

1. A probiotic

2. Omega 3 

3. Vitamin D

4. A Multivitamin

There are detailed posts in the blog section about each of these supplements and how your body benefits from each one. Read them separately for more detailed information as you need.

One of the first supplements I will usually recommend is a good multi-strain probiotic.  You may have heard it said that health begins in the gut. Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, was quoted as saying “all disease begins in the gut” nearly 2500 years ago.  Studies show that many of the health issues we face today, including diet induced inflammation, may trigger insulin resistance and fatty liver disease. It is believed that inflammation is one of the leading factors and contributors to obesity, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease and depression.

Serotonin, which is mostly produced and found in the gut, is an important neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood, social behavior, sleep, memory, appetite and digestion and sexual desire and function.

Healthy gut bacteria are necessary for absorbing many nutrients, especially B complex vitamins. It is beneficial to create a healthy gut function before adding other supplments to your regimine. 

(Ref: medicalnewstoday.com 2/2/18)

After probiotics, begin to add the other supplements as your budget allows.

Please note this about choosing a multivitamin: if you don't feel a difference in your energy level, there is a good chance your body is not absorbing what it needs. Some companies coat their vitamins with a substance that can be difficult for our bodies to break down, especially as we age and stomach acid production declines. Take your multivitamin with a small amount of food for the best results.

Once you are ready, add Vitamin D and an Omega 3 to round out a routine that will offer basic support.







Lori Ziegler