Fish Oils

What are the benefits of taking Fish oil and what should I look for when choosing a good brand?                               

      Fish oil is a natural source of Omega-3 essential fatty acids which are essential and healthful fats required by humans.  We must consume them since the body cannot make them.  Fish oil is a direct source of EPA and DHA which are long chain fatty acids which are used in every cell in your body.  The Omega-3s EPA and DHA are important because not only are they essential for human nutrition and good health.  Most Americans eat an overabundance of Omega-6 fats which are found in meats, dairy foods, seeds, nuts, grains and is heavily present in our diet as vegetable oils (e.g. corn oil) and seed oils (e.g. sunflower oil) as well as processed and packaged foods.   Therefore our need for Omega-3s is increased.  An imbalance of too much Omega-6 (linoleic acid) forms a type of eicosanoid that promotes unhealthy conditions, such as heart conditions, inflexible joints and redness, swelling, poor memory, unclear thinking, compromised lung function, acute immune conditions, menstrual cramps, and Inconsistent mood and behaviors.  This is because Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats reside in blood and all cell membranes.  They compete for placement.   Except for GLA,  Omega-6 fats increase cellular constriction and aggravation.   Omega-3 fats increase cellular relaxation and normalization.  Consuming enough Omega-3s improves cellular function, normal metabolism and immune activity.  These factors are necessary for good heart health improving overall cardiovascular health, circulation and overall cardiovascular health.  Besides being beneficial to heart health Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids has also been shown to benefit Joint health, Mental health, Immune health, Eye health and Infant and child development.  Several recent studies suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may help protect adult eyes from macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome.   I have had several patients and family members see beneficial results in taking Omega-3s to help alleviate their dry eye symptoms.  

      You want to make sure that you are buying a high-quality brand that is purified and tested for freshness and impurities such as Heavy metals.  Fish oil supplements have been generally shown to be purer and have less impurities then most fish, reported by consumer groups and researchers


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